We find all the best opportunities on Wall Street and bring them right to you
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What Industries are the Jobs/Internships in
the Database From?
Within the Industries Covered
Here are some examples of firms that we track internship opportunities for:
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What Kind of Jobs/Internships Can You Expect to Find in this Database?
We primarily focus on the following types of opportunities:
What are they: Most of the large firms (i.e. bulge bracket, elite boutique, and middle market banks) now have various initiatives that are primarily designed to attract Diversity and Inclusion (“D&I”) candidates earlier on in your college careers. D&I is usually defined as any candidate who identifies as some or all of the following: female, LGBTQ+, Black, Hispanic, Native American, disabled, veteran, and in some rare instances, first generation college students. If you fall into one of these categories and are still an underclassman, you want to pay attention to these opportunities as they can fast track you to your junior summer internship offer.
What are they: This is the ultimate goal – a full-time position for you to work in upon graduation, typically with an “analyst” title if you’re just graduating from college. The people recruiting for full-time positions typically fall under one of the following categories: 1) did a summer internship and received a return offer, but want to move to a better firm, 2) did a summer internship but did not receive a return offer, so have to re-recruit, or 3) did not do a summer internship on Wall Street but still hoping to break in. The degree of difficulty varies based on your specific situation, but generally speaking full-time recruiting will be much more competitive than summer internship recruiting.
When to be on the lookout for these opportunities: Most top tier firms try to fill their full-time positions as soon as the summer internship ends in early August. At that point, they will know how many of the available full-time positions have already been filled by returning summer interns. Any remaining spots will be filled through a quick full-time recruiting process, and only the groups that still have a need will be recruiting. Most full-time process will be completely finished within 1-2 months. After that, you should only expect the top tier firms to recruit for additional full-time positions if there is a significant change in market conditions (i.e. deal flow significantly increases coming out of a recessionary environment). Otherwise, you will most likely have to move downstream to smaller firms and get your foot in the door there.
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The client results stated on this web page and discussed in the client interviews are the results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who joins coaching programs gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. Recruiting entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT SIGN UP FOR OUR PROGRAM.