Over the last several years, we've worked with 1,700+ students and seen EXTRAORDINARY results

Over the last several years, we've worked with 650+ students and seen EXTRAORDINARY

We’ve Consistently Maintained a ~90% Success Rate, Even Through COVID

Close to 90% of Our Successful Students End Up at a Top 50 Bank or on the Buyside

This is Despite the Fact That Less Than Half of These Students Go to Target Schools

And a Significant Portion of Our Successful Students Do Not Have a "Competitive" GPA


Ask us all of your recruiting questions, get a customized game plan, and if you want – apply to join the most successful coaching program and alumni network on Wall Street

Now Here's Why That's EXTRAORDINARY...

Put our results in context of the publicly available information released by the top bulge bracket and middle market investment banks in recent years…

The top investment banks are even more selective than ivy league schools, which average 4-9% acceptance rates

Top Investment Bank Acceptance Rates

But wait, there's more to the story...

The EARLIER you start preparing, typically the BETTER the offer is going to be.

Students Who Start as Underclassmen Outperform Those Who Start as Juniors, and Juniors Outperform Those Who Start as Seniors

The overwhelming majority who join as freshmen break into a top 20 bank or buyside firm, and everyone gets at least a top 50 bank

Students who join as sophomores have similar placement as freshmen, but a small 4% do end up outside the top 50 banks

Juniors break into elite boutiques & bulge brackets less frequently since many of those firms finish recruiting by sophomore year

Seniors typically haven't done junior summer banking internships and almost never break into elite boutiques or bulge brackets

Ask us all of your recruiting questions, get a customized game plan, and if you want – apply to join the most successful coaching program and alumni network on Wall Street

book a virtual coffee chat

And if you break these stats down even more…

Wall Street Mastermind Elite Boutique Placements Breakdown
Wall Street Mastermind Bulge Bracket Placements Breakdown
Wall Street Mastermind Middle Market Placements Breakdown
Wall Street Mastermind Regional Boutique Placements Breakdown
Wall Street Mastermind Placements Breakdown by School Type
With a successful upperclassman who has already secured a top investment banking offer through WSMM

Ask us all of your recruiting questions, get a customized game plan, and if you want - apply to join the most successful coaching program and alumni network on Wall Street

Financial Aid Available For Those Who Qualify

We offer financial aid to students in need who we believe are deserving and worth betting on. Because finances should never get in the way of getting your dream job… we offer packages to fit nearly any budget.